Mrs. Leah Houghton To All Instructors

Teacher (with LL since fall, 2017)

Education: Bachelor's in K-12 Spanish Education from Saginaw Valley State University

Teaching/tutoring experience: 4 years teaching at Birmingham Groves High School, 2 years with Futura Language Professionals as Bilingual Area Manager, Tutor at Oakland Community College

Travel or living in Spanish-speaking countries: Mission work in Ecuador/ Dominican Republic, travel to Mexico, Spain, Costa Rica

Family: Husband, two children (girl/boy), 1 dog.

Why do you teach Spanish?  My journey in language learning started as a child, when I would hear relatives speaking Spanish. During my years as a high school Spanish teacher, I spent several weeks each summer break doing mission work in Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. Over the years I have also had the opportunity to travel to other Spanish-speaking countries. My goal is to visit all 21! Spanish is such a beautiful language, and the culture of each Spanish-speaking country is so rich and unique!

Fun facts/hobbies: I enjoy reading, boating, and hiking with my family and our dogs.  I love to sing, dance, laugh and have fun with friends and family.

Current Classes
Spanish 1 6th-12th - Virtual/Online Class – Teacher (open)
Spanish 3/4/Adv 7th-12th - Virual/Online Class – Teacher (open)
Book Club – Teacher (open)